March 26, 2012


Well, I just found out today that I more than likely will not be able to go to Florida now :(. I'm really bummed! I was so excited to finally get to go somewhere for once!! Oh well :/

The rest of the day was good though because I got to spend it with my favorite person in the world!! We went to a new restaurant on campus and I had the best French fries :) yumm!!

I really hope it warms back up because I hate the chilliness :(

Tomorrow I'm working 8 hours then straight to class then tdt practice!! Busy day!!!

March 21, 2012

Spring break

Unfortunately, I didn't get to go anywhere for spring break so I am currently at home in Findlay, Ohio. I really enjoy being at home with my parents but I get a little stir crazy when I'm at home. I've already read three books, baked cupcakes, did some dishes (x3), cleaned out my closet/ dresser for things to take to good will, cleaned the windows and windowsills l, layers outside, and spent some quality time with my BFF Otis :)

Yesterday I went and watched my mom at her pottery class! It looked like so much fun, I wish I could do it! It was weird going to my old high school, but I was glad I could go se my mama work her magic :)

Hopefully I'll get to go back to school early and see my favorite person. It's silly that even after only a couple days that I miss Seth as much as I do, but what can I say... He's got me hooked :)

In a little over a week I get to go to Florida with my mom and my grandma!!!!! I cannot wait, it's going to be so fun! Well.. That's all for me tonight!

March 8, 2012


My long overdue post about the mini vacation Seth and I took to Gatlinburg. We rented a cabin in Pigeon Forge. This is what it looked like:

 We got there after 4:30am on Thursday night/ Friday morning and went straight to bed. We were both exhausted! Friday we lounged for a good portion of the day and then went to the Bullfish grill in Pigeon Forge to eat lunch and then went to Ripley's Aquarium in Gatlinburg.

After the aquarium we walked around Gatlinburg for awhile and went through a mirror maze. It was my first one, it was lots of fun, but rather frightening when we were stuck in there for at lease 20 minutes!!

That night we rented a movie and I made dinner and we just had a nice relaxing night.  The next day we were pretty tired still so we got in the hot tub and then decided to walk around outside a bit, Seth decided he was going to go on an adventure up this massive hill by our cabin (and later talked me into following him....). It was quite the adventure.

 We went to dinner that night and then went back to the cabin and drank some wine. It was a really nice, relaxing get away and I absolutely want to do it again soon :)