April 24, 2012

The day from... Well, you know where

So, I knew waking up that today was going to be a stressful day and it definitely met that expectation!
First thing this morning I had to take my Kaplan diagnostic exam that all of the nursing students have to take their last quarter. If you score a 58% or above you have a ninety-some percent chance of passing your boards. So we are all required to get at least a 58%. Well needless to say, I cut it a little close by getting exactly 58%. The exam was literally impossible!!!! But I passed it and it only flustered me for a bit.
After all of that excitement, I had my first official "big girl" interview. It went awful. Literally I wanted to cry. I'm sure I did better than what I think, but I just get so nervous in situations like that! I hated it and pretty much felt like a big dummy!! I'm glad I got the experience of the interview though and I should hear back by the end of the week, hopefully!

It was a really nerve wrecking day!! Luckily I have the most amazing family and boyfriend who are always there for me (even when I'm complaining and difficult to handle) I'm truly an extremely lucky girl!

My roommate and I discovered a very odd smell in our room today and spent at least a half hour sniffing all of our belongings to try and find the source of the smell, which was unsuccessful! It's really strange and I'm hoping the odor goes away... Quickly! Haha

I have widened my bow making horizons recently and made a different type of bow that I'm in live with!!! (pictures below).

Kenzie And I went to target today and I got a new book to read. I have been reading like crazy lately!! And I'm really trying to make myself a better person I have been really stressed lately and I hate the way it makes me feel and act, so reading this book is one of the steps in taking an hopefully making my own happiness project :) life is far to short to be as worried and stressed about everything as I seem to always be.

This is going to be another bust busy week for me. Hopefully I will make it out alive :) wish me luck!!

April 7, 2012


I'm on my way home from a (much needed) relaxing week away in Florida! I went to Destin with my mom and my grandma for the week. I wasn't sure that I would be able to go, but I ended up being able to reschedule my clinicals and miss my classes for the week! It was a lot of fun, we had a couple days of bad weather, but the rest of the time it was beautiful and That definitely made up for mother natures bad decisions! I'm so lucky that I got to go and spend it with my mama and Mamaw :)

Here are some of the pictures I took on my trip!