July 19, 2012

Falling into place

My life is finally falling into place! Brittany and I signed for an apartment on Wednesday, I found out I passed my boards today, and I'm leaving for vacation in destin tomorrow!!! Life is good. Now, just to find a job!!!

My project for this evening:

July 13, 2012

Whomp Whomp Whompppp

Okay, it's official, I SUCKKK at studying. It's becoming quite a problem! I have been so exhausted today though because I couldn't fall asleep last night... which was incredibly unfortunate! haha. After taking about 3 naps today, I finally got the motivation to go to Starbucks and take a practice test while drinking an iced tea.. nom nom! That is as far as I got today! Tomorrow Seth and I are taking a road trip to visit his grandma (who lives near Warren.. no idea where that is) and then heading to Findlay! Sunday is Kenzie's birthday and my parents, me, Seth, Kenzie and her boyfriend (whoop whoop), Taylor are all going to Soak City/ Cedar Point for the day!! Getting some use out of those passes!!! The big day, NCLEX day, is coming up soon; I am anxious, nervous, excited, and relieved all at the same time!
I made my first Etsy purchase last night at 1:30 am when I couldn't sleep! more craft supplies for me! YAY!
Also we found out that we did not get the apartment that we had applied for. HUGE bummer, Brittany and I both really liked it and it was a great location. I'm becoming more and more nervous about being homeless forever... really I can only handle living in a Frat house for so long. It's literally disgusting!!

Keep your fingers crossed for me and wish me luck... it's coming SOON!

July 12, 2012

Face Lift.. OoooLaLa

I decided it was about time to give my magnificent blog a facelift to make it look beautiful and new :) needless to say, it has been a long and stressful... morning?.. NO it's 4pm and I just finished! Crap. I meant to study this morning, I guess it will be a late night at the library for me!! Pretty soon I will not have to study any more (hopefully). So many people that I know have been passing their NCLEX, I am at the point where I am just ready to take the silly thing and be done with it. I'm PRAYING that I pass it the first time and don't have to study anyyyy more (for awhile at least :)..) I hope that you'll keep your fingers crossed for me too!! I absolutely cannot wait to go to Destin, Florida next week! It's going to be an amazing get away with BOTH of my parents. I am somewhat upset that I will be an only child on this vacation, but it might be fun just having both of my parents to myself for once (since I was 3! haha). I also just found out that my friend Ashley, who has been in just about all of my classes the past four years, is going to Destin the same time I am and not only that... but will be staying ONE MILE away from me!! I am SO excited and will definitely have to have me a little stroll down the beach to visit her... (maybe I'll be an amazing friend and deliver a pina colada..mmmm). 

Last night/ Today I tried something with my hair that turned out amazing!!! I absolutely hate curling my hair because 1. it takes approximately 10 years, 2. it never ever stays and 3. I really haven't found a great method to curling my unruly, already wavyish curly hairs. Sound familiar? Well have no fear, there is a solution that literally takes 5 minutes and it WORKS. yes, you heard me right... it works! How you ask.... drum roll pleaseeee.. The Sock Bun Curls . (can I just say once more... THANK GOD for pinterest!) Here are my photos from the process (ps: sorry about the dirty mirrors... i live in a frat house):
Before: about 8pm last night!
Sexy high Pony!

I've got big buns... (and i cannot lie?)

THE bun

the CURLY, sexy pony
good morning sunshine (9:30 this morn)

The back

NOW at 4 pm, and guess what folks, I forgot hairspray!
Now I read that it was difficult to roll the sock into your hair if you have layers, which of course I do. I found it easier to flip my head over (so my hair is upside-down) and roll the sock from the bottom up to my scalp. It was so much easier than holding my hair up in the air and rolling the sock down, because my layers kept falling out! I am so happy with how this turned out!! YAY!

Also, the other day I made these coasters: I love love loooooove mod podge :)

Seth and I are going to dinner with his mom tonight at the Cheesecake Factory... YUM! well, I think that's all for now!! until next time.

July 5, 2012

dinner and a haircut

Last night I decided to make dinner for my wonderful boyfriend! He's on a health kick so I kept it simple with some chicken, veggies and a baked potato! Boy was it delicious and filling!


photos of my haircut, nothing too dramatic :)

This past weekend Seth and I went up to Sandusky to spend the weekend on the lake with his family! We had a good time and got to use our season passes to Cedar point :) saw a beautiful rainbow and of course play with the kids!!
Uncle Seth Jumping over Jaden 
Sienna's Turn