May 8, 2012

I wasn't kidding about the ridiculous part

I have been so incredibly overwhelmed lately. Between school, clinicals, work, my sorority, trying to find a post graduation job, "studying" for my boards and keeping up with everyone around me I am on the verge of losing my mind. I definitely know that life can be stressful sometimes and as much as I hate it, I have a tendency to make it more stressful than it needs to be. I'm a worrier, I always have been. It is one of the most frustrating things of all time. I guess the fact that I'm aware of it is probably a good start, but I'm going to have to work on a more permanent solution!!

I am reading the happiness project and have come across some really great insight and advise while reading it. I cannot wait to finish and attempt to come up with my own unique happiness project. With all of this change happening in my life, I feel like this is the perfect time for me to explore me!!

There is so much anticipation and anxiety surrounding me everyday. I'm a planner and I need to have a schedule and lists to function and not having any idea what I'll be doing next year is terrifying!

On a lighter note, the theta dance team placed SECOND in the variety show on Thursday! It was soooo exciting especially because it was the last time I'll ever get to do a dance competition, ever :( it was bittersweet, we worked so hard and it really payed off!! Kenzie got to come watch me which was so exciting! I was happy she was there.

I also tried a new pinterest hairstyle: the bun braid! So easy and fun!! It's my new go to!

I picked up my graduation cords the other day as well! I honestly cannot believe that I will be graduating in (oh my godddd..) 4 weeks!!

I went and saw the Avengers with Seth and his dad on Sunday!! Seth and I watched all of the other marvel movies leading up to the Avengers and you know what... I loved them. All of them! Seth thinks its funny that I liked them all so much and he thinks I'm a huge nerd. I embrace the nerd!

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