February 27, 2012

Dobby-- a free elf

So when I found out that we would be having a TG that was themed "mythical creatures and substitute creatures" I got a little excited! I could be a) a super BORING and probably slutty substitute teacher, which is what I figured most people would do or b) something unique and entertaining.

the obvious mythical creatures came to mind, unicorn, mermaid, witch.. etc. I threw these ideas out the window, I wanted to be something unique and fun that no one would think of. Clearly my mind went to Harry Potter. Talk about loads of options for mythical creatures. Sifting through all the possibilities I came across one of my favorite characters, Dobby! Oh what a creative and simple idea. :) So I went to work. I went to Target and bought bunny ears from the dollar section, pillow cases (one for my "dress" and one for the ears) and of course socks.

 I first began to wrap the ears with the extra pillow case in order to make dobby looking elf ears. I wrapped the whole head band and then wrapped the actual ears and attempted to hot glue them in place. This was by far the most difficult part, getting the ears wrapped well was a lot harder than expected, but it worked!!

After I finished the ears, I cut up the other pillow case to look like Dobby's pillow case he wears and I made it appear dirty using my make up (talk about resourceful). I tied the pillow case on one shoulder to look like Dobbys.

I then took one of the socks and made labels that I attached to it that said "I'm a free elf".

The final product turned out just as planned and I was really happy with it. More people than I expected actually knew who I was!! I was so thrilled :) and I had so much fun being Dobby!!

February 17, 2012


Once again, I've been too busy for my own good! This quarter is flying by and I've been rushing to get everything I need to get done done. I have my last clinical on Monday... pretty excited about that, except for the fact that it's my last real clinical before I graduate!
Saturday my mom and dad came to Columbus and My mother, Kenzie and I went shopping all day! It was fun (when someone... I won't mention any names... was cooperating).
Sunday Seth and I went to see Chronicle. It was definitely a strange movie, but it was pretty good!
As of Monday Seth and I have been dating for 5 months!
Tuesday was Valentine's day, and even though we didn't really get to spend it together I was able to go visit Seth for a little bit and he gave me these :)
 On Wednesday night after I had class and work, we got to spend a little more time together. We listened to music and just hung out and ate my second present:
They were SOOOO good, and are almost gone already!
I had clinical again yesterday and was super tired afterward, so I ate dinner and then came to Seth's and did some (much overdue) homework while he played video games :) I am caught up and now I am working on getting things done ahead of time so I don't have to worry about it at the end of the quarter... go me :)

I hope this week goes by really fast!! On Thursday evening Seth and I are leaving for the weekend to go to Gatlinburg!! I rented out a cabin in Pigeon Forge for the whole weekend! I am so excited to get away from the craziness of Columbus and spend a little quiet time together! I really think it will be a lot of fun!!
but until then I have a few things this week that I have to focus on. It's hard to take it one day at a time when you're looking forward to something, but I shall try :)

I've been making more bows and will post them asap!!

Tonight I'm going to dinner with my dad, Kenzie and my mom are going to a Blake Shelton concert (that I so kindly waited in line forever for the tickets) and he is driving them here! I'm happy to get to spend a little quality time with my daddy!!

I got an email yesterday about convocation and graduation. SCARY! I am so nervous about all of this real life stuff I might go crazy. I am the kind of person who has to plan everything and not knowing what I'm going to be doing at all next year is driving me nuts!! I'm sure it will work out, but I'm still nervous.

Well, I'm going to attempt to get more done before I have to go home and get ready for dinner <3

February 6, 2012

Busy Bee

I have been so busy the past week and a half! For some reason I had no time, but still not much to show for it. I hate it when that happens! It has been so nice outside! Last week we had multiple days in the 60s! You better believe I was wearing flip flops! (I am my mother's daughter!!)

I completely finished my application for Nursing licensure in Ohio and payed the fee to take the NCLEX after I graduate!! It made me feel so old to send it all in!

Thursday I had dinner with my friend Pat and then met up with Seth :)
Friday was Seth's Formal... it was a lot of fun, some of the Seniors got a party bus to take to some bars before the actual formal! I really enjoyed it, Seth and I had a lot of fun!!

Saturday we relaxed all day and then went to the library that evening for awhile. I had clinical all day yesterday so we didn't get to do anything too exciting!
Clinical was good though! I only have 5 more this quarter!! I decided to drive to clinical yesterday and on my way there my car started to make a really awful noise and the check gauges light came on on my dashboard, that was not a good way to start my day, but it got better. Clinical was pretty easy yesterday so I couldn't complain and I got to witness two ERTs and a patient get intubated. It was exciting and scary at the same time.

I took an exam in my beer and wine class today and got an A, so that made me awfully happy. I have a High acuity exam on wednesday that I am super nervous for, but I don't want to study. Ugh! I cannot wait to not have to study anymore!!