February 6, 2012

Busy Bee

I have been so busy the past week and a half! For some reason I had no time, but still not much to show for it. I hate it when that happens! It has been so nice outside! Last week we had multiple days in the 60s! You better believe I was wearing flip flops! (I am my mother's daughter!!)

I completely finished my application for Nursing licensure in Ohio and payed the fee to take the NCLEX after I graduate!! It made me feel so old to send it all in!

Thursday I had dinner with my friend Pat and then met up with Seth :)
Friday was Seth's Formal... it was a lot of fun, some of the Seniors got a party bus to take to some bars before the actual formal! I really enjoyed it, Seth and I had a lot of fun!!

Saturday we relaxed all day and then went to the library that evening for awhile. I had clinical all day yesterday so we didn't get to do anything too exciting!
Clinical was good though! I only have 5 more this quarter!! I decided to drive to clinical yesterday and on my way there my car started to make a really awful noise and the check gauges light came on on my dashboard, that was not a good way to start my day, but it got better. Clinical was pretty easy yesterday so I couldn't complain and I got to witness two ERTs and a patient get intubated. It was exciting and scary at the same time.

I took an exam in my beer and wine class today and got an A, so that made me awfully happy. I have a High acuity exam on wednesday that I am super nervous for, but I don't want to study. Ugh! I cannot wait to not have to study anymore!!

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