January 30, 2012

New room!

I was in such a terrible mood yesterday!! It was such a stressful day with clinical and moving and everything else going on. Clinical was crazy yesterday... all of the crazies were out and in full craze mode. It was a nightmare and was super busy all day! After my clinical I waled over to Seth's and we went to the store to geed food for dinner. we made chicken and veggies, it was delicious! Because of that I didn't get home until sometime around 9:30 or 10! I started moving all of my belongings into my new room and it literally took me forever! So needless to say, I was stressed and frustrated! I think I finally finished around 1:15ish. I'm really glad I got it all done last night though, I probably would be going crazy if I didn't have everything all put away yet.

Today I'm picking Kenzie up from class and we are going to Hobby Lobby! I love sister bonding time (especially when we are going somewhere I LOOOOVE). After that I have chapter, it's our first chapter with the new officers which is always exciting!! After chapter I'm auditioning for Theta Dance Team, which I am so excited about! I think it will be a lot of fun this year!! I did it Sophomore year and enjoyed it, but I didn't have the time last year to do it. I'm excited to do something social for once :).

I just finished my application for Nursing Licensure in the state of Ohio and registered and paid for the NCLEX. It absolutely terrifies me to be doing these 'real life' things! I don't feel like I should be graduating yet, it's insane! I'm really excited but I think my nerves are taking over at this point. It's a lot to be thinking about at once!! I schedule for my last quarter of classes this week and that just amplifies the anxiety I'm feeling! I think I will be okay though (hopefully!).

I'm working for 8 hours tomorrow, I don't know when or why I thought that was a good idea! Haha, hopefully I'll be able to get some studying done or something while I'm there! That would be nice! I'm going to make an attempt to be productive tonight so that I don't have to worry about it! Wish me luck, I will need it.

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