January 29, 2012

I'm back!

Well, I'm back in Columbus and it's back to real life for this girl! :( I really enjoyed being home and having few true responsibilities! It was nice to just (kind of) relax and do things that I wanted to do opposed to things I needed to do. I did a whole lot of crafts and experimented with pinterest ideas!!

Glitter Nail!

My mom, Kenzie, her friend Erin and I decided we were going to try out these glitter nails!! They all turned out really cute!

I quickly decided I didn't like the red and changed mine to silver, which I like SO much better!!

Kenzie wanted to paint a canvas last night and so I decided that I would do it with her. I was going to leave it at home to put in the basement if we ever get it done, but I ended up liking it so much I brought it back to school with me!!

final product, I LOVE it!

I made a couple other things, but I cannot put them up here yet! soon!

I have been making these adorable bows :

and so my ribbon collection has been growing exponentially! My mom and I went to Hobby Lobby and JoAnn Fabrics yesterday and at JoAnn's I found this adorable ribbon holder! I also just found out that Ribbon is 50% off at Hobby Lobby starting on Monday.... so good thing I bought this :)

This thing is going to be a dream!! My mom and I both got them for our growing collections!!

Today is Moving day at Theta. WORST day of the year! not to mention, I have clinical today so I already moved all of my belongings OUT of my room and then will have to move them back in late tonight. It's so annoying!! So I took over the study room for the day! I really don't want to go to clinical today because I have so much to do here. Seth is still sick so I was at his house last night and now I'm prettttttty sure I'm getting sick, which is extremely unfortunate! It's going to make things interesting the next couple weeks! Oh well, I'll live!!

well, here's to a productive day! At least I only have an 8 hour clinical!!

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