January 24, 2012


Today was a pretty good day! I got a lot done so I was rather happy about that! I had Yoga this morning, which is THE best class I've taken in college! After yoga I did some homework and took an online quiz and I have all my work done for the rest of the week! I am a happy girl. after all of that Seth and I went to the gym. I didn't feel like riding the bike like I normally do, so I followed Seth around and lifted with him. I actually really enjoyed it!! I know that I'm going to be super sore tomorrow between lifting weights and working muscles I didn't even know I had and working even more random muscles in yoga!! After that we made dinner, chicken and veggies :) mmmm. I really want to start to work out more and actually be productive while doing it! Hopefully I can keep up with it and stay positive (that is the absolute hardest part for me)! Last year I made myself a chart and rewarded myself when I met goals. I think I might try and do that again because I feel so much better all around when I get up and out of bed!!

I went and bought the next two books in the series that I'm reading. I'm reading the Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris. Seth gave me the first one for Christmas and I really enjoyed it! I cannot wait to start reading the next one! I have really been into reading recently but it's so difficult for me to find books I like so when I find a whole series I like it makes me super happy!

I am planning on going home this weekend to see my mama and daddy (and Otis of course). My mom and I have been brewing up some ideas for what to do this weekend! I can't wait!!!!! We are going to craft it up :)

I'm going to try and put up a quote that I feel applies to my life and I'm going to attempt to make myself better and try to follow them. Here is number one:

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