January 16, 2012


Today my parents drove down to Columbus and brought my jeep back to me! I am SO happy about that!! They took me, Seth and Kenzie to Bravo for lunch, which was delicious! I am glad that I got to see them and spend a little bit of my day with them!!

Bid day was such a success!! We got 40 new Thetas today and they are all gorgeous!

Winter 2012 pledge class

Seniors on Bid day Winter 2012

 It's so crazy to think that I'm actually a senior and I will be graduating in less than 5 months! It's so crazy how fast the past four years have gone and going through all of recruitment and everything one last time is somewhat surreal.  It's all a little sad but at the same time I'm excited to start a new chapter in my life!

What we want to be when we grow up/ where we will be in 10 years

Nursing girls :)

Part of the Fall 2009 Pledge Class on Bid day Winter 2012

Now on to yet another eventful week for me!
