January 27, 2012

What a day!

Whenever I come home I realize how busy I normally am at school! I got so bored today that I: folded and ironed my dad's laundry, did all my laundry (which I might add was a ton!), organized one of the kitchen cabinets, made a treat, did the dishes, went to kroger, made some crafts (including a bow you'll see soon) and made dinner for the fam!

My first task for the day was doing all of my laundry. I ran out of quarters a few weeks ago and have not done laundry since so needless to say, I had a lot to do today!! I did at least four loads and Otis of course helped me fold my clothes :)

The last time I was home I cleaned out and organized almost all of the kitchen cabinets. This made my mother soooo happy! Well today I needed in the "spice" cabinet and it exploded when I opened it! This was one of the few that I didn't get to when I cleaned them out last time!

before (sorry for this mama)!

After :)

After I got done organizing and doing the dishes I decided to make something sweet!! I found a recipe on Pinterest for S'more Crispie Treats. This was the finish project!!

They were SO good (and are almost gone actually! haha). I gave some to my sister's friend Erin and her sister, they absolutely loved them too and asked for the recipe. While I was pinteresting I was debating what recipe I wanted to try to make for dinner!! With a little help from my father who came home from lunch, I decided on Mexican stuffed shells. I have been wanting to try this recipe for awhile and I'm so glad I finally did because it was even better than I thought it was going to be!

preparing :)

the final product

the actual shells :)

These were a huge hit with the fam too! I was so proud of myself for making a meal that everyone liked because that is a true rarity! I am going to have to make this for Seth, hopefully he enjoys it as much as my family does!! 

I decided to get crafty and make a hair bow! I stole this idea from Seth's sister and followed the tutorial on her blog!! and it turned out adorable!!

Overall I had a great day!! I kept myself really busy and got a whole lot done! I can't even imagine how much I will actually get done once I graduate and have some time to myself! I CAN'T Wait! I will be posting the recipes for what I made today soon! :)

I am going back to Columbus sometime tomorrow, back to real life :(

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