January 15, 2012

What a week!

Oh my! What a week!! I was so busy this week, this is the first time that I've actually had the chance to just to sit aside from sleeping (which was a rarity this week as well). Tuesday I had my yoga class, still so great! Wednesday I had my high acuity class which was only two hours instead of four, I got so lucky with that one! I took an online (thank goodness) exam and then I also went to the gym and the orthodontist and the library on wednesday also!! Talk about a longggg day!!

Thursday I had clinical for 12 hours. That was also another long day, but I think I actually may like the unit I am on this quarter! Friday I had my first real day of work which went a lot better than I had expected it to actually! haha, it was a little rough because I am so uninformed about my new job, but I made it through the 8 hours.

As of Friday I have been dating Seth for 4 months. it seems like so much longer than that and I'm extremely lucky to have him in my life!! He makes me a better person and I enjoy every moment I spend with him no matter what we are doing.

Saturday was a Theta day. We had our Philanthropy Round for recruitment. Being the Service and Philanthropy chair, obviously I had a lot to do this day. I worked with the girl who will be taking over my position and we had to give a presentation about CASA (18 times!!). It also went well, nearly flawless! Today we had our final round of formal recruitment, preference round. It was definitely an emotional day and never fails to remind me why I joined Theta and how proud I am to be a part of such a wonderful organization filled with amazing women.

Today I got to wear my gold glitter shoes that I made. They were inspired from a pair I saw on Pinterest. I will post pictures of them in another post soon!!

Tomorrow my parents are coming down to Columbus to take Kenzie and I (and hopefully Seth) to lunch and they are bringing my jeep back to me!! So excited! This was a really great week and even though it was super busy and I was a little bit crazy and tired and hangry pretty much all week it still went really well! I'm so blessed to have such a great support system to always support me and keep me from going crazy for real!
