January 8, 2012

WOHOO blogging

I'm new and inexperienced at this blogging thing, but i envy all who have the time write about their life experiences. I decided I'd give it a go.

It's a busy day here at the Theta house. It's recruitment time again and today we have had over 700 girls touring our house, talk about craziness. Recruitment is always an exciting but extremely hectic time. Add in the beginning of a new quarter, starting clinicals and a new job onto my list. Yeah, it's going to be an interesting week I am anticipating going slightly insane. Luckily I have that great boyfriend of mine to attempt to keep me sane, sure don't know what I would do without him! 

I started my winter quarter classes this past Tuesday, I absolutely cannot believe this is my last winter quarter or that I'm going to be graduating so soon! I'm taking a yoga class on Tuesday mornings which I am so thrilled for, I think it will be great! Wednesdays I have my High Acuity Nursing class which is, per usual, going to be pretty challenging. other than that my week was pretty laid back. Seth and I got to go to dinner and a movie with my long lost friend Alex and her boyfriend Patrick. We went to Mongolian Barbeque and then saw the Sherlock Holmes movie. I was so happy that we got to spend time with them and it was so great to see Alex finally!! Friday evening I went to dinner with Alex, our RA from Freshman year, Laura, and her friend Liz. It was amazing to get to catch up with them all and hear all their stories!!

Tomorrow I have my first clinical of the quarter on 8 Rhodes at The Ohio State Medical Center. I am a little nervous but it usually turns out okay!! In addition to that I have my first "real" day of work (post orientation) this coming Friday, super super nervous about that one! Hopefully it goes better than my last day of orientation when I passed out on the floor and they took me to the ED. SOOO embarrassing, but what can you do. 

All in all I had a really good week and hope that I can survive through the coming week! 

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