January 25, 2012


Okay, so I am about the only nursing studet/ nurse who absolutely hates needles!! I had to go in today before work for my employee health assessment. It wasn't anything too difficult I just had to do a whole lot of paperwork and then the nurse decided I should get the Tdap, okay.. I guess I can handle that. Well then she mentions that she has to draw blood to test for TB. AHHH! I hate getting my blood drawn, no wonder my blood pressure was a little high after I found out that fun fact! But I survived so I guess I really can't complain too much!

I had a cardiac lab and class this morning. I cannot wait until I graduate and don't have to go to classes anymore. Sure won't miss that! I had to meet with my group to talk about our group porject that we have to start this week and then I ran home to eat before I came to the hospital for my health assessment and work.

I'm at work now, I love working with kids. It is one of the most amazing things ever!! :)

I have my Respiratory simulation lab tomorrow morning (those are always fun.... not) but I heard it wasn't too bad from people who have already been. THEN I get to go home and spend some quality time with the fam!! I cannot wait!!

I am SOOO sore from working out with Seth yesterday I can barely move today!! Haha I definitely worked out a few muscles that don't normally get much attention! I'd definitely do it again though, no pain no gain!

I guess that's all for now :)

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