January 16, 2012

The Glitter Shoes

When I found out I would be needing gold heels for recruitment this year it was a little difficult to find any and the ones I did find made me look like a cheap prostitute. needless to say I wasn't going to spend money on them. So when I found a tutorial on Pinterest to make my own glittery shoes I was extremely happy!!

This is the Final product

So first I started out with some really beat up and outdated shoes I had laying in the back of my closet at home. I don't even remember the last time I wore them so they were the perfect candidate for a make over. 

Like I said, I found the Tutorial on pinterest you can find it Here 

I followed the tutorial exactly and mized the mod podge and the glitter together, however if I do this again I would like to try it without mixing them together. 
In the process of painting the shoes with the mod podge and glitter mixture

 overall I think they turned out really well and I would totally do this again with a few of my own alterations to the directions!! 

The final product on the day of Preference round