June 11, 2012

Sunday Funday

Well I officially just started my "happiness project". As of right now I'm keeping my whole project private until I figure out exactly what I want to do with it, but I finished Gretchen Rubin's book The Happiness Project and started to create my resolutions and commandments on happinessprojecttoolbox.com !!! I am really surprised at how easy it is to use so far! I cannot wait to start my resolutions, I really hope that I can keep up and manage to stick with it through the craziness that currently is my life!!

As you can see from my photos below above..... I am officially a graduate of The Ohio State University College of Nursing with my Bachelors of Science in Nursing!! :) I am a real grown up now, although it still hasn't hit me yet that I am no longer a college student! Shockingly, I managed to make it through the entire weekend without crying!! This is so unlike me, I'm a huge crier (thank you mother for that one), so this was a major accomplishment for me!! I think it got up to about 1,000,000 degrees at commencement today, but it was really special. Not only was this the 400th commencement at Ohio State, it was the largest graduating class and the LAST spring quarter graduation ever! So many exciting things! I am so happy that my parents, Kenzie, my Mamaw and Aunt Carol were able to come and share this amazing weekend with me! I am the first person in our immediate family to graduate from college!! Huge accomplishment and I am so proud of myself. It was a rough four years (especially the first two), but I stuck with it and made it! I am one happy girl!!

BUUUUT don't get too excited, the studying continues. I will be taking the NCLEX exam this summer in order to get my license to be a nurse in Ohio, so the whole 'I'm out of college and I never have to study again' excitement is nonexistent for me! sigh... I'm taking two classes to prepare myself for the exam. One is this week (starting tomorrow morning) and one next week, so I feel pretty confident that I will be able to do it and pass my first time (keep your fingers crossed!!) Seeing Caitlin D. Mellott RN, BSN will be totally worth all the hard work and extra studying!

Since I finished The Happiness Project I am going to start reading Fifty Shades of Grey... I am so very intrigued by this book and I decided I have to read it and formulate my own opinions about it instead of just listening to what everyone else has to say about it!

I have no idea why I'm still awake, this week/weekend has been completely exhausting! I can't wait for what comes next! WOOHOO

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