January 30, 2012

New room!

I was in such a terrible mood yesterday!! It was such a stressful day with clinical and moving and everything else going on. Clinical was crazy yesterday... all of the crazies were out and in full craze mode. It was a nightmare and was super busy all day! After my clinical I waled over to Seth's and we went to the store to geed food for dinner. we made chicken and veggies, it was delicious! Because of that I didn't get home until sometime around 9:30 or 10! I started moving all of my belongings into my new room and it literally took me forever! So needless to say, I was stressed and frustrated! I think I finally finished around 1:15ish. I'm really glad I got it all done last night though, I probably would be going crazy if I didn't have everything all put away yet.

Today I'm picking Kenzie up from class and we are going to Hobby Lobby! I love sister bonding time (especially when we are going somewhere I LOOOOVE). After that I have chapter, it's our first chapter with the new officers which is always exciting!! After chapter I'm auditioning for Theta Dance Team, which I am so excited about! I think it will be a lot of fun this year!! I did it Sophomore year and enjoyed it, but I didn't have the time last year to do it. I'm excited to do something social for once :).

I just finished my application for Nursing Licensure in the state of Ohio and registered and paid for the NCLEX. It absolutely terrifies me to be doing these 'real life' things! I don't feel like I should be graduating yet, it's insane! I'm really excited but I think my nerves are taking over at this point. It's a lot to be thinking about at once!! I schedule for my last quarter of classes this week and that just amplifies the anxiety I'm feeling! I think I will be okay though (hopefully!).

I'm working for 8 hours tomorrow, I don't know when or why I thought that was a good idea! Haha, hopefully I'll be able to get some studying done or something while I'm there! That would be nice! I'm going to make an attempt to be productive tonight so that I don't have to worry about it! Wish me luck, I will need it.

January 29, 2012

I'm back!

Well, I'm back in Columbus and it's back to real life for this girl! :( I really enjoyed being home and having few true responsibilities! It was nice to just (kind of) relax and do things that I wanted to do opposed to things I needed to do. I did a whole lot of crafts and experimented with pinterest ideas!!

Glitter Nail!

My mom, Kenzie, her friend Erin and I decided we were going to try out these glitter nails!! They all turned out really cute!

I quickly decided I didn't like the red and changed mine to silver, which I like SO much better!!

Kenzie wanted to paint a canvas last night and so I decided that I would do it with her. I was going to leave it at home to put in the basement if we ever get it done, but I ended up liking it so much I brought it back to school with me!!

final product, I LOVE it!

I made a couple other things, but I cannot put them up here yet! soon!

I have been making these adorable bows :

and so my ribbon collection has been growing exponentially! My mom and I went to Hobby Lobby and JoAnn Fabrics yesterday and at JoAnn's I found this adorable ribbon holder! I also just found out that Ribbon is 50% off at Hobby Lobby starting on Monday.... so good thing I bought this :)

This thing is going to be a dream!! My mom and I both got them for our growing collections!!

Today is Moving day at Theta. WORST day of the year! not to mention, I have clinical today so I already moved all of my belongings OUT of my room and then will have to move them back in late tonight. It's so annoying!! So I took over the study room for the day! I really don't want to go to clinical today because I have so much to do here. Seth is still sick so I was at his house last night and now I'm prettttttty sure I'm getting sick, which is extremely unfortunate! It's going to make things interesting the next couple weeks! Oh well, I'll live!!

well, here's to a productive day! At least I only have an 8 hour clinical!!

January 28, 2012

Mexican Stuffed Shells

Another of my pinterest creations: Mexican Stuffed Shells

Mexican Stuffed Shells

1 lb. ground beef--
I used Ground Turkey
1 package low-sodium taco seasoning 
4 oz. cream cheese
14-16 jumbo pasta shells
1.5 cup salsa
1 cup taco sauce
1 cup cheddar cheese         ----- I used 2 cups of Reduced Fat Mexican Cheese
1 cup monterey jack cheese --- ^
3 green onions -- I did not add onions
Sour cream --- 

Preheat oven to 350°.
In a frying pan cook ground beef; add taco seasoning and prepare according to package directions.  Add cream cheese, cover and simmer until cheese is melted. Blend well. Set aside and cool completely.  While ground beef is cooking, cook the pasta shells according to directions; drain. Set shells out individually on cutting board/baking sheet so that they don’t stick together.
Pour salsa on bottom of 9×13 baking dish.  Stuff each shell with the meat mixture. Place shells in 9×13 pan open side up. Cover shells with taco sauce.  Cover with foil and bake for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, add shredded cheese and bake for 10-15 more minutes, with the foil removed.  Top with any condiments you’d like (green onions, black olives, etc.) Serve with sour cream and/or more salsa.

I changed this recipe a little bit! I tried to make it a little healthier, so I used ground turkey instead of beef, low fat mexican cheese, and reduced fat sour cream! Other than that I followed the recipe to a T. My family absolutely LOVED this meal! It was an awesome twist between mexican and pasta (which are my two favorite kinds of food.. mmm). 

this was the finished product

It was absolutely delicious and I highly recommend this recipe!!  

January 27, 2012

S'more Krispy Treats

This is the recipe for S'more Krispy Treats that I found on Pinterest!!

S'MORE KRISPY TREATS (or S'more Golden Graham Treats)
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1 (10 oz) bag regular marshmallows
  • 1 box of Golden Graham cereal
  • 1-2 cups Chocolate Chips (I only used one)
In a large sauce pan, melt butter over medium heat.  Add marshmallows and keep stirring until the marshmallows completely melt and you get a marshmallow sauce.  Remove from heat.

Add Golden Grahams and stir until they are all well coated.  You can chose to crush some up before adding them if you want some smaller pieces.  Next stir in chocolate chips.

Grease a 9x13 pan and press S'mores down.

Once they are all pressed down and cooled, drizzle with some melted chocolate chips over if you would like for a prettier appearance.  I forgot to in my picture, but I think they still look pretty without!


I LOVED these! They were so delicious! I added the chocolate chips a little too early and they melted, if I make these again I would definitely wait until the marshmallow/ Golden Graham mixture has cooled a little bit more before adding them. mine turned out looking like this:

maybe not quite as pretty as the example, but as delicious if not more :)

What a day!

Whenever I come home I realize how busy I normally am at school! I got so bored today that I: folded and ironed my dad's laundry, did all my laundry (which I might add was a ton!), organized one of the kitchen cabinets, made a treat, did the dishes, went to kroger, made some crafts (including a bow you'll see soon) and made dinner for the fam!

My first task for the day was doing all of my laundry. I ran out of quarters a few weeks ago and have not done laundry since so needless to say, I had a lot to do today!! I did at least four loads and Otis of course helped me fold my clothes :)

The last time I was home I cleaned out and organized almost all of the kitchen cabinets. This made my mother soooo happy! Well today I needed in the "spice" cabinet and it exploded when I opened it! This was one of the few that I didn't get to when I cleaned them out last time!

before (sorry for this mama)!

After :)

After I got done organizing and doing the dishes I decided to make something sweet!! I found a recipe on Pinterest for S'more Crispie Treats. This was the finish project!!

They were SO good (and are almost gone actually! haha). I gave some to my sister's friend Erin and her sister, they absolutely loved them too and asked for the recipe. While I was pinteresting I was debating what recipe I wanted to try to make for dinner!! With a little help from my father who came home from lunch, I decided on Mexican stuffed shells. I have been wanting to try this recipe for awhile and I'm so glad I finally did because it was even better than I thought it was going to be!

preparing :)

the final product

the actual shells :)

These were a huge hit with the fam too! I was so proud of myself for making a meal that everyone liked because that is a true rarity! I am going to have to make this for Seth, hopefully he enjoys it as much as my family does!! 

I decided to get crafty and make a hair bow! I stole this idea from Seth's sister and followed the tutorial on her blog!! and it turned out adorable!!

Overall I had a great day!! I kept myself really busy and got a whole lot done! I can't even imagine how much I will actually get done once I graduate and have some time to myself! I CAN'T Wait! I will be posting the recipes for what I made today soon! :)

I am going back to Columbus sometime tomorrow, back to real life :(

January 26, 2012

I hate the rain

Okay, this weather is absolutely disgusting!!

 I really hate the rain, it always puts a damper on my day! This was my view all day... dark, wet, cold, with a border of zebra:

Today I had my simulation lab, which was super easy actually (I was not expecting that at all). So that made my day a bit better. I worked on a little homework at the College of Nursing and then walked home. I packed my car up to come home and went and got some noodles and co for lunch. I am obsessed with that place!! Then I went over to see my poor sick boyfriend and spent a little bit of time with him before I drove home. Now I am at home with my poor sick mama. haha, I think all this sickness is going to end badly for me!! I'm glad to be home though! I'm about to go get some food for the two of us because my dad is going to a basketball game tonight!!

January 25, 2012


Okay, so I am about the only nursing studet/ nurse who absolutely hates needles!! I had to go in today before work for my employee health assessment. It wasn't anything too difficult I just had to do a whole lot of paperwork and then the nurse decided I should get the Tdap, okay.. I guess I can handle that. Well then she mentions that she has to draw blood to test for TB. AHHH! I hate getting my blood drawn, no wonder my blood pressure was a little high after I found out that fun fact! But I survived so I guess I really can't complain too much!

I had a cardiac lab and class this morning. I cannot wait until I graduate and don't have to go to classes anymore. Sure won't miss that! I had to meet with my group to talk about our group porject that we have to start this week and then I ran home to eat before I came to the hospital for my health assessment and work.

I'm at work now, I love working with kids. It is one of the most amazing things ever!! :)

I have my Respiratory simulation lab tomorrow morning (those are always fun.... not) but I heard it wasn't too bad from people who have already been. THEN I get to go home and spend some quality time with the fam!! I cannot wait!!

I am SOOO sore from working out with Seth yesterday I can barely move today!! Haha I definitely worked out a few muscles that don't normally get much attention! I'd definitely do it again though, no pain no gain!

I guess that's all for now :)

January 24, 2012


Today was a pretty good day! I got a lot done so I was rather happy about that! I had Yoga this morning, which is THE best class I've taken in college! After yoga I did some homework and took an online quiz and I have all my work done for the rest of the week! I am a happy girl. after all of that Seth and I went to the gym. I didn't feel like riding the bike like I normally do, so I followed Seth around and lifted with him. I actually really enjoyed it!! I know that I'm going to be super sore tomorrow between lifting weights and working muscles I didn't even know I had and working even more random muscles in yoga!! After that we made dinner, chicken and veggies :) mmmm. I really want to start to work out more and actually be productive while doing it! Hopefully I can keep up with it and stay positive (that is the absolute hardest part for me)! Last year I made myself a chart and rewarded myself when I met goals. I think I might try and do that again because I feel so much better all around when I get up and out of bed!!

I went and bought the next two books in the series that I'm reading. I'm reading the Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris. Seth gave me the first one for Christmas and I really enjoyed it! I cannot wait to start reading the next one! I have really been into reading recently but it's so difficult for me to find books I like so when I find a whole series I like it makes me super happy!

I am planning on going home this weekend to see my mama and daddy (and Otis of course). My mom and I have been brewing up some ideas for what to do this weekend! I can't wait!!!!! We are going to craft it up :)

I'm going to try and put up a quote that I feel applies to my life and I'm going to attempt to make myself better and try to follow them. Here is number one:

January 22, 2012


Well, I feel like crap today!! I woke up with a sore throat, stomach ache and I just felt plain weird. Of course it couldn't have been one of those lazy days when I didn't have anything to do, nope I had clinical for 12 hours. I felt so awful at the beginning of the day but my preceptor was really nice about it and told me only to stay if I really could. I ended up leaving at 3pm instead of 7pm and I got a little relaxing time which was really nice!

Thursday night the Theta seniors had a pregame with the new girls, which was a lot of fun! I went downtown that night, which I never do! I usually really hate it downtown, but I saw a lot of people I knew and had fun!

A few of us seniors

Friday Seth and I literally did nothing all day. It was AMAZING! I needed a day where I had no responsibilities. Yesterday we went to the grocery store, the gym and the library and then made a delicious meal!! Steak, baked potatoes, fresh green beans, and crescent rolls! YUM!

our delicious meal on classy paper plates:)

my favorite part! YUM!!

It was a lot of fun to cook dinner together (even though Seth really did all the cooking)!! I'm going to start attempting to make more meals for him :) Show my domestic side. I'm more of a baker than a cooker, but I'm willing to test my abilities! It's just difficult to find things for us to eat because we are both so picky with our food.

I'm a little overwhelmed with my life currently. I feel like I'm always so busy and don't really have time to really enjoy anything. Hopefully that will pass and I will be able to get organized again so that I am able to have a little me time (wouldn't that be amazing?!). But until then I guess I just have to keep on keeping on.

January 16, 2012

The Glitter Shoes

When I found out I would be needing gold heels for recruitment this year it was a little difficult to find any and the ones I did find made me look like a cheap prostitute. needless to say I wasn't going to spend money on them. So when I found a tutorial on Pinterest to make my own glittery shoes I was extremely happy!!

This is the Final product

So first I started out with some really beat up and outdated shoes I had laying in the back of my closet at home. I don't even remember the last time I wore them so they were the perfect candidate for a make over. 

Like I said, I found the Tutorial on pinterest you can find it Here 

I followed the tutorial exactly and mized the mod podge and the glitter together, however if I do this again I would like to try it without mixing them together. 
In the process of painting the shoes with the mod podge and glitter mixture

 overall I think they turned out really well and I would totally do this again with a few of my own alterations to the directions!! 

The final product on the day of Preference round


Today my parents drove down to Columbus and brought my jeep back to me! I am SO happy about that!! They took me, Seth and Kenzie to Bravo for lunch, which was delicious! I am glad that I got to see them and spend a little bit of my day with them!!

Bid day was such a success!! We got 40 new Thetas today and they are all gorgeous!

Winter 2012 pledge class

Seniors on Bid day Winter 2012

 It's so crazy to think that I'm actually a senior and I will be graduating in less than 5 months! It's so crazy how fast the past four years have gone and going through all of recruitment and everything one last time is somewhat surreal.  It's all a little sad but at the same time I'm excited to start a new chapter in my life!

What we want to be when we grow up/ where we will be in 10 years

Nursing girls :)

Part of the Fall 2009 Pledge Class on Bid day Winter 2012

Now on to yet another eventful week for me!
